Irish Cancer Society Annual Report 2021

An optimistic Annual Report that reflects the challenges that Covid lockdowns have placed on the charity's operations – but also reaffirms to the cancer community that the Irish Cancer Society is still here and the support and services they're renowned for are still available.

The Background

The Irish Cancer Society is a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals, and researchers who transform people's experiences and outcomes through support services and research. Its story is a human story, and in every year before 2020, it always builds a fantastic library of photography of people they have supported, its fundraising events, and the work of its volunteers and funding partners. But of course, during Covid, the access to imagery was minimal. It was, therefore, our task to look at how we could represent their work differently.

The Idea

With limited photography available, we proposed using bespoke illustrations to bring the stories to life. We worked with Irish illustrator Lydia Hughes to bring each human story to life. Each story covers a different work programme within the Irish Cancer Society – so the stories cover patients, healthcare providers, fundraisers, etc., and each story was drawn to give that tangible connection to the Irish Cancer Society's strategic pillars.

The Execution

The colour palette is a mix of sombre and bright colours to partner the two sides of the work of the Irish Cancer Society – they are helping increase the number of people who survive cancer and are there to support those who don’t.

This mix of colours is brought into the illustrations along with the international symbol of cancer – the yellow daffodil. The daffodil symbolises hope and appears in each illustration to tie in the brand and ensure that the report demonstrates the Irish Cancer Society as a support structure.


Project Team

Suzanne Massey

ICS Hero
ICS Intro
ICS Approach
ICS Carousel 1
ICS Carousel 2
ICS Carousel 3
ICS Carousel 4
ICS Context 2
ICS Context 3
ICS Resultx2000
ICS Behind the scenesend pic

Special thanks to our collaborators

Lydia Hughes (Illustrator)

Next Up
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Concern Worldwide

Creating a cohesive brand toolkit – including tone of voice guidelines – for Concern Worldwide's global brand refresh would reflect the organisation's new unified approach and flex for different audiences across multiple platforms and geographies.

TA Hero 2000x1125px Photography: Aileen Dillon | Art Direction: Laura O’Neill
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Want to work together?

If you would like to chat about a creative project, we’d love to meet you. Our door is always open here at Ely Place.

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